At Christmas we are all better, but not lazier! even if we do not have immediate goals to achieve and our commitments are with our knees under the table, it is not the case to stop altogether, and accomplice to a second part of December that promises to be particularly mild for the weather , we have the opportunity to win the draw against the 2021 panettone…
This is the episode that closes the 2021 Podcast, in anticipation of the December 31 special dedicated to Valencia 2022.
Together with Coach Paolo Vialardi we scroll through the calendar of events that we at KiRun invite you to share with us. (find the calendar hereKI-RUN_Corse_2022 (1)).
we at KiRun wish you well , and don’t forget that …
Right now , someone who has eaten more panettone than you , is running!
Listen to “December 24 : Wishes with a view to 2022! ” on Spreaker.